Lion Chops

Cowbell Man

Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2002
Gotta say, the pump up video just before the match intros that has the mountain lion licking it’s AWESOME!!!

I searched around the inter webs and I don’t think it’s posted. Dang
Yeah - the Lion’s eyes conveyed evil intent. Licking his chops confirmed that Sunday dinner was at hand! A couple of guys in our section mentioned their approval of the video.
Question: What’s with the pre-teens trying to start “We Are” cheers in the middle of matches. It’s pretty obvious that the Rec Hall regulars would prefer to intently watch the action.
Bacca, thank you. The first two are cute. After that, bothersome to flat annoying. The only exception is during tight matches, when an individual with a strong voice puts it out with a match or two to go, it can really get the crowd going.
Yeah - the Lion’s eyes conveyed evil intent. Licking his chops confirmed that Sunday dinner was at hand! A couple of guys in our section mentioned their approval of the video.
Question: What’s with the pre-teens trying to start “We Are” cheers in the middle of matches. It’s pretty obvious that the Rec Hall regulars would prefer to intently watch the action.
Those pre-teens might be the next Jason Nolf
Those pre-teens might be the next Jason Nolf
I could hear them during Byers calls.

Ironbird already has those pre-teens as losing to TNT's grandkids. Guarantees that the Hawk-lettes will yell louder and longer and wear down the PSU kids before the start of the 3rd match
Those pre-teens might be the next Jason Nolf
I think it’s great when pre-teens get into Rec Hall to watch the best wrestling in the land. Many of those kids will become life long wrestling fans. They will take our place when we can’t drag our dead asses into those hard wooden seats. Along the way, those kids will learn when to cheer . . . and when not to cheer.
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Yeah - the Lion’s eyes conveyed evil intent. Licking his chops confirmed that Sunday dinner was at hand! A couple of guys in our section mentioned their approval of the video.
Question: What’s with the pre-teens trying to start “We Are” cheers in the middle of matches. It’s pretty obvious that the Rec Hall regulars would prefer to intently watch the action.
It only happened eight times, but who's counting?
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