Jemele Hill goes after Scott Paterno on twitter, avoids his point

What an ignorant comment on her part. Does she really think many people actually "cared" what happened at PSU?? The vast majority of people only wanted to jump on the outrage wagon without any knowledge of facts.
She bothers me more than anyone else on that network. But they seem to be pushing her.

She generally has a one point agenda which we all know what it is without saying.

I would take Stephen A over her all day long and that's saying something.
I admit I occasionally watch that network bc I like sports and it's still the source, but I always turn the channel when she comes on. Ignorant racist, totally ignoring the point about the media's lack of restraint to jump to conclusions on Penn State.

Since I've never heard her speak or be introduced, I have a question. How do you pronounce Jemele?

How many syllables does it have?
Does it rhyme with Emily?
Does it rhyme with Schlemiel?
Is it similar to the old man in Christmas Story pronouncing "fra-gee-lay?"

Other than that, I think a story about Nassar and how so many people at MSU helped enable him would be a perfect headline story for an upcoming Sportscenter.
Someone tell that dizzy chick the 1998 incident was investigated and the DA found insufficient evidence to prosecute. Even if Joe knew about it, what could he have legally done?? Maybe Jamele can enlighten us.

Also tell her Freeh is on record as saying the "report" was his opinion. Opinions rely on someone's subjective interpretation of facts. It's my opinion Jamele Hill is a moron. See how easy it is??
Eddie Robinson only has 154 Div I wins

"Eddie Gay Robinson, Sr. (February 13, 1919 – April 3, 2007) was an American football coach. He coached the second most victories in NCAA Division I history and the third most overall. From July 2012 to January 2015, Robinson held the Division I record, as 111 of Joe Paterno's wins had been vacated during that time as a result of the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal and subsequent NCAA sanctions. With the restoration of the wins by the NCAA in 2015, Paterno has again been recognized as the Division I record holder."
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"Paterno TESTIFIED he was told of misconduct & kicked it upward. The facts are out. Legally, clear. Morally, reprehensible."

"Let this sink in: When McQueary reported the shower incident to Paterno, he already knew about the '98 investigation. Didn't do anything."

Maybe I'm a little thick, my brain don't work too well. But what the F do/did these people want Paterno to DO? Joe didn't witness anything. McQuery told him about something that he thought was strange. McQuery's own father and the doctor he talked to the night of the incident didn't think it rose to the level to have to call the police. If Joe knew about the '98 investigation, he also knew that Sandusky was never charged. So, without the benefit of hindsight, if someone isn't charged you think, "Well, I guess he didn't do anything wrong."

Joe kicked it upwards, to the guy who was in charge of the police on campus. WHAT WAS HE SUPPOSED TO DO? Go make a citizen's arrest? Go buy a gun an execute Jerry himself? There are police and district attorneys and child protective services etc etc etc. It's their job to arrest and convict and stop predators. Joe was an intermediary who was told a story from someone who saw something he thought was strange, but it wasn't convincing enough for MM to call the police or to actually intervene when he was in the locker room.

People got sick of hearing about holier than thou Joe and wanted to bring him down when they had the opportunity. That's the end of the story. And once they have their minds made up about it, anything that contradicts that narrative is a "conspiracy theory". All of this cemented together by the BOT who was run by a bunch of guys who wanted to use PSU to protect their interests in The Second Mile. The logical guilty organization who walked away without a scratch.

It's like Chinatown.

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what's that mean, wise-ass?

Of course people care about the reputation of PSU, which has been unfairly trashed by some ESPN idiots, among others.

What's your point?
People here want PSU to take a stance that is contrary to public opinion. When it is pointed out that PSU's reputation is vital to the future well-being of the University, many here say "who cares what people think! I don't care!"

Well, that doesn't seem to be the case... quite the opposite actually.
People here want PSU to take a stance that is contrary to public opinion. When it is pointed out that PSU's reputation is vital to the future well-being of the University, many here say "who cares what people think! I don't care!"

Well, that doesn't seem to be the case... quite the opposite actually.

It's contrary because we are armed with facts and we have to battle the narrative of the media. Man it's like a dog chasing it's tail with you. Every day you troll here endlessly...
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ESPN is in deep financial doo doo. JH is not very bright. Intelligent people make allowances for future insights and revelations, for instance Bob Costas. She is just a dullard who is trying to climb to the top of a very morally corrupt industry. In other words as my Dad would say she's nothing but a "ham and egger."
This is Disney. They have cast members. They're "in character" or "not in character."

This isn't new. They have good characters, bad characters, cuddly likable characters, cold mean characters. Everyone is chosen for a reason and then they're given a job to do. Controversy sells. Her personal feelings about Joe Paterno may factor into the things she says (and certainly her brains factor in as well-obviously), but let's not forget she's playing a part she was hired to play.

Now, why they chose her...maybe because they're not worried that nobody will listen to her in a few years.

But if they lost Herbstreit, Stephen A or some other established brand's credibility, that'd be a loss. "Hey Jemele [or however they should've spelled your name], why don't you keep this Paterno stuff going as long as PSU fans will continue to tune in..."
"Eddie Gay Robinson, Sr. (February 13, 1919 – April 3, 2007) was an American football coach. He coached the second most victories in NCAA Division I history and the third most overall. From July 2012 to January 2015, Robinson held the Division I record, as 111 of Joe Paterno's wins had been vacated during that time as a result of the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal and subsequent NCAA sanctions. With the restoration of the wins by the NCAA in 2015, Paterno has again been recognized as the Division I record holder."
Since I've never heard her speak or be introduced, I have a question. How do you pronounce Jemele?

How many syllables does it have?
Does it rhyme with Emily?
Does it rhyme with Schlemiel?
Is it similar to the old man in Christmas Story pronouncing "fra-gee-lay?"

Other than that, I think a story about Nassar and how so many people at MSU helped enable him would be a perfect headline story for an upcoming Sportscenter.

It's pronounced Stupid Bitch.
It's contrary because we are armed with facts and we have to battle the narrative of the media. Man it's like a dog chasing it's tail with you. Every day you troll here endlessly...
The only thing in Hill's tweets that MAY be wrong is about Paterno knowing about 1998. Everything else was merely her opinion or correct facts. Her opinion does not mirror yours so you are upset.

maybe she needs some Blue and White love . . .

IGNORE. Just ignore her. She's a no talent hack. ESPN has been pushing her for years, and she's just awful. She had a regular weekly spot on M&M for quite some time (may still) as part of their effort to promote her show (By the Numbers, His & Hers ???? I forget) which was horrible. ESPN is constantly trying to force feed "personalities" on their dwinding audience....see Booger McFarland.
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I loathe that woman. And now ESPN is pushing her big time. Even more reason not to watch. I only put that channel on if there is a game of personal interest to me. Other than that, I will not watch...and I'll change the channel if she comes on the station for a commercial.