Friday Night 9pm - What in the Sam Hell...

is going on here?

This game must be important for FOX. Not important enough to put it on the primary channel, but enough for that cash cow known as FS1.

These school presidents and that jackass commissioner have no shame.
You just wake up or something?
is going on here?

This game must be important for FOX. Not important enough to put it on the primary channel, but enough for that cash cow known as FS1.

These school presidents and that jackass commissioner have no shame.

You're almost a year late with your outrage.
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FWIW, I absolutely agree with you. A 9 PM ET start is way too late. Game won't be over until well past midnight ET.

I get up every working morning at 4:30 PM, so in order not to get too far "out of whack," I am usually in bed NLT 10:00 on weekend nights and it is a rare occasion I stay up past 11 PM. At least with an 8 PM start I might get to bed by midnight...

My hope is that by the end of the first quarter, the game will be well in hand (in PSU's favor) and I can go to bed and sleep soundly knowing my DVR will have captured the slaughter in all it's glory...and I'll watch it the next day (and fast-forward thru the commercials).
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Ugh... early weather forecast for Friday night below, imagine if this turns into MSU part 2? Anyone up for some 5 AM football?
    Mostly cloudy, late-night thunderstorms

Really pissed off about this. I live in Chicago and this game is a day trip if it’s an afternoon kickoff on Saturday. Not taking a half day or spending money on a hotel room to spend the night in Champaign to watch us blow out the Illini.
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is going on here?

This game must be important for FOX. Not important enough to put it on the primary channel, but enough for that cash cow known as FS1.

These school presidents and that jackass commissioner have no shame.
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Myself being someone who works Monday through Friday ... then spends fall Saturdays and Sundays watching football ... my girlfriend is very happy with PSU playing Friday. I can't be alone on that ;)
Thank heavens for DVRs. Friday night in my neck of the woods is for high school football.
Everyone cheers when the Big Ten lands a whopping TV contract, but when it comes time to pay the piper with scheduling you don't like or higher cable bills, not so much.
Yep. It's Delany's quest for $$$ that he even thought "Fridays? Sure!"

Even though every coach and AD said "WTF?"

The ADs and coaches weren't in the loop when the TV contracts were negotiated. And before they say "WTF" maybe those coaches and ADs should think about where the money for their big contracts and fancy offices comes from.
I'd be curious how much money was actually gained by agreeing to Friday games.
I'd be curious how much money was actually gained by agreeing to Friday games.
For the schools not a whole lot.
Also Correct me if I am wrong.
Wasn't this game changed to Friday maybe a year ago?
When the TV deal was negotiated it was still scheduled for a Saturday
I notice that neither Ohio State nor Michigan have to play on a Friday this year. Shocker!!!
Get ready for this one to push 1 am Saturday morning. FS1 commercials take most games to almost the 4 hour mark.
Was at the game on Saturday and couldn’t believe how long the first half took...must have been the long tv time outs.
I notice that neither Ohio State nor Michigan have to play on a Friday this year. Shocker!!!

Buckeyes opened last year on a Thursday against Indiana.

I like these games. Starts the weekend off right. I also wish they staggered the noon and 330 games better. They all go to halftime at roughly the same time.
Michigan refused to play Friday games. OSU said they'd only play them during its semester fall break.