Everybody notice how BOT-bots stifel-up when OAG SWIGJ malfeasance discussion turns toward 1998?

Would you fall for that? If I covered my rear end and got away with it I would certainly do whatever I could to make sure it didn't happen again.
We're talking 17 years ago, what was the mindset on pedophilia then?
Let's say you're correct that some on the BOT knowingly covered for JS in 1998 (to protect the image of the university and to cover for their own relationship with TSM). Why would they knowingly allow JS to abuse kids on campus after that? It just doesn't make sense.

Makes plenty of sense depending upon the agenda of the uber-powerful on the EC of PSU's BOT -- all of the power and authority of the BOT was concentrated in the a handful of people given the way this corrupt group "hijacked" PSU's Board in a "corporate boardroom takeover" fashion. PSU is not a corporation and these powerful members of PSU's BOT actions are antithetical to PSU's Charter (which is PA Law), "Trust Law" and the PA OAG's Manual for Trustees of Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations. These Trustees are therefore acting in an NON-TRANSPARENT and ILLICIT manner relative to Pennsylvania Law in regards to both Fiduciary & Trust Law as well as PSU's Founding Charter (which again is Pennsylvania Law as it was founded via "Acts" of the Pennsylvania Legislature). NPO Boards of TRUSTEES are very different than a Corporate Board of DIRECTORS and have extremely different RESPONSIBILITIES, CONSTITUENTS, ACCOUNTABILITY and LIABILITIES. A Corporate Director has no Individual Accountability unless the legal concept of the "corporate veil" is pierced by Law Enforcement and the Justice System (e.g., the Corporation INDEMNIFIES the actions of its Board both collectively and as individuals). NO SUCH PROTECTION EXISTS FOR A TRUSTEE RELATIVE TO FIDUCIARY & TRUST LAW and the concepts of "Prudent Man Law" and "Prudent Expert Law" - via these codes, gross negligence is sufficient for prosecution and assertion of INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTABILITY AND LIABILITY (up to and including prison). A NPO Board of Trustees uses a "collegial" distributed decision-making process and has an obligation to act TRANSPARENTLY with the BENEFICIARIES OF THE TRUST who they have a FIDUCIARY OBLIGATION to -- none of this is true within a corporation, a Corporate Board is run in the best interests of the equity-holders of the Corporation and power can be concentrated however the Corporation deems best for decision-making.

How can you say it doesn't make sense when virtually all of the architects of the "False Narrative" are extremely close "friends of Jerry" whose relationships go all the way back to Sandusky's college days at PSU!!! How do you know what "benefits" these "friends of Jerry" were gaining from this corrupt relationship??? Does it make sense to you that the Executive Committee of the BOT would effectively grant Sandusky 15 acres of PSU's Campus to build the "pedophile compound he'd always dreamed of" in the Spring 2002 only some half year after the Internal Investigation into MM's 2001 Employee Report of Suspicious Activity in Lasch to his Supervisor in Feb 2001??? Let me get this straight, this land grant happening directly after TSM was kicked off Campus following this 2001 Incident and Internal Report was all pure "coinky-dink"??? Not likely, powerful people wanted Jerry to have this TSM Campus Pedophile Playground "on campus", so after 'Ole Soapy's fraud charity was kicked off campus for obvious reasons (liability), these same enablers just GAVE HIM 15 acres of PSU's Campus so 'Ole Soapy had his own TSM Wing on Campus (or adjacent land that was "formerly" part of PSU's Campus if you want to use these absurd qualifiers).
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It is quite clear who not only enabled, but literally protected and provided a shield, to allow a pedophile to keep predating upon children via his fraudulent charitable and philanthropic activities (e.g., not just TSM, but State-sponsored Foster Parenting, State-sponsored Adoption, contracts with DPW for group homes, counselling, program profiling, etc...). And the enablers quite clearly were NOT JVP and the PSU Football Program. The "friends of Jerry" enablers quite clearly were among the "all powerful" Executive Committee of the PSU BOT with strong ties and influence at the highest levels of PA Govt as well as within Sandusky's fraudent charity, The Second Mile. They were powerful enough, and corrupt enough, to have the University Park, PA Police Dept's Criminal Investigation Case File of the 1998 CSA Incident (which was reported to the DPW Child Abuse Hotline by a Mandatory Reporter, who identified themselves as a Mandatory Reporter, in addition to being reported to the UPPD by the mother of the child) RECLASSIFIED as an "Administrative File". A series of machinations between DPW Investigators and CYS/TSM such that DPW voided Allycia Chambers' report indicating Sandusky likely was a pedophile, replacing it with a DPW hired consultant's report who wasn't even a credentialed psychologist (John Seasock), filed an Official DPW Investigation Report which literally EXONORATED Sandusky within the written findings of the report and thereby thwarted and killed the UPPD & Centre County DA Office's case against Sandusky thus enabling the pedophile to keep right on predating on kids within his fraudulent charity DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE UPPD POLICE DEPT ATTEMPTED TO STOP JS AND WAS RENDERED POWERLESS BY "The Friends of Jerry" on the EC of the PSU BOT (the very same scum who were the crafters of the "False Narrative", that they know is a load of bullshat, in Nov 2011). Then these same sick jokers turn around some 6 months later and grant Sandusky a sweetheart retirement package (when at the very least he should have been terminated based on PSU's internal investigation of the 1998 Incident), grant him "Emeritus Status for distinguished service" that he didn't even qualify for (Provost Fraudney signed the exception for this) & granted Sandusky unlimited access to the Campus and it's facilities for his fraudulent charitable endeavors KNOWING EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED IN 1998 INCLUDING PSU's OWN INVESTIGATION FINDING SANDUSKY GUILTY AS CHARGED!!

The BOT-bots know damn well who was responsible for putting pedophile Sandusky on campus along with children from his hunting grounds (e.g., his fraud charity TSM) in 2001 -- the very same people who granted Sandusky 15 acres of PSU's land for effectively nothing to build the "pedophile hunting grounds he'd always dreamed of" in the Spring 2002 AFTER Sandusky's charity had been banned from campus largely at the behest of the PSU Athetic Department!

This corrupt, tyranous, immoral scum know that their claims that JVP and PSU's Football program being responsible for protecting and enabling pedophile Sandusky (and his powerful "good buddies") is a load of crap and nothing more than the "False Narrative", "Move Along, Nothing To See Here" propaganda and PR spin demagoguery it is.
If this is as big a conspiracy as you say then don't you think it would be very difficult to keep it wrapped up without somebody blowing the whistle? Do you think there are people that will go to jail over this? The issue is whether PSU administrators committed perjury in front of a grand jury. I believe predators slip past authorities every day because they know how to deceive and disarm. With knowledge of a past incident only three years before the administrators neglected to protect the University. I have always said the administrators shoulder most of the blame here. It is not a reach to claim that their actions or non actions were to avoid embarrassment for the University. It was time to cut the losses and they decided to let the chips fall where they may. We all know where they fell.
How can you say it doesn't make sense when virtually all of the architects of the "False Narrative" are extremely close "friends of Jerry" whose relationships go all the way back to Sandusky's college days at PSU!!!

I agree that many were friends with Jerry and that might cause them to cover for his activities. But if they were covering their own butts they would want to make sure that it didn't happen again.

Does it make sense to you that the Executive Committee of the BOT would effectively grant Sandusky 15 acres of PSU's Campus to build the "pedophile compound he'd always dreamed of"

I don't know the circumstances surrounding that deal but I seriously doubt that their goal was to build a pedophile compound for Jerry.

Responses above.
If this is as big a conspiracy as you say then don't you think it would be very difficult to keep it wrapped up without somebody blowing the whistle? Do you think there are people that will go to jail over this? The issue is whether PSU administrators committed perjury in front of a grand jury. I believe predators slip past authorities every day because they know how to deceive and disarm. With knowledge of a past incident only three years before the administrators neglected to protect the University. I have always said the administrators shoulder most of the blame here. It is not a reach to claim that their actions or non actions were to avoid embarrassment for the University. It was time to cut the losses and they decided to let the chips fall where they may. We all know where they fell.

Totally agree except for your last sentence. The BOT didn't let the chips fall where they may. They tossed several people under the bus w/o due process. You can argue that they panicked under media/NCAA pressure or that they did it intentionally in order to divert attention from themselves. Either way they certainly didn't let the chips fall where they may.
Let's say you're correct that some on the BOT knowingly covered for JS in 1998 (to protect the image of the university and to cover for their own relationship with TSM). Why would they knowingly allow JS to abuse kids on campus after that? It just doesn't make sense.

this is the sixty million dollar question, And I am sure a lot of the privileged folks are wondering how the fell into this shit hole
Totally agree except for your last sentence. The BOT didn't let the chips fall where they may. They tossed several people under the bus w/o due process. You can argue that they panicked under media/NCAA pressure or that they did it intentionally in order to divert attention from themselves. Either way they certainly didn't let the chips fall where they may.

No doubt, the "False Narrative" was intentionally crafted as a "foil" and to create "Fall Guys" to distract the media and keep the "public spotlight" off of the true COVER-UP, the shielding, protecting and enabling of Sandusky in both the 1998 CSA Case and subsequent absurd sweetheart retirement package some half year later in 1999, where laws were broken by not only powerful, politically-connected members of the PSU BOT, but also the PA Government itself including both powerful politicians (and their backers), but corrupt and complicit State Agencies as well as powerful parties at The Second Mile Executive Committee of their Board of Directors. It is quite clear that C/S/S, Joe Paterno and the PSU Football Program were being used disgracefully and unjustly by these self-interested, corrupt cowards as ";public fodder" for the lynch mob to protect themselves and the conspirators included both extremely powerful corrupt and "compromised" PSU BOT Members, but also PA Politicians attempting to protect the real facts that DPW/CYS, the Office of Attorney General, The Clinton County School District and other State Agencies (including the SWIGJ process and State Police who were running corrupt investigations replete with prosecutorial misconduct and they knew it), etc....

It is quite clear where the seminal accountability for this mess lies in terms of both "liability" and actions which are criminal in content and created massive accountability and liability for PA State Agencies.....and that seminal event that TRIGGERED everything that followed was the 1998 Incident, specifically individuals actively inserting themselves in the CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM to thwart the UPPD's Criminal Investigation and ATTEMPTED CRIMINAL PROSECUTION OF SANDUSKY IN 1998 via the Centre County DA. Nothing after 1998 ever even likely happens if not for these corrupt individuals within PSU's BOT and the PA Government acting to FOIL the prosecution of Sandusky in 1998!!! Nothing after 1998 likely happens had the ABSURD DPW only "Indicated" Sandusky on the its Childline List and sanctioned TSM on the record rather than EXPLICITLY EXONERATING Sandusky's "naked bear-hugs from behind" as perfectly normal given the situation and the participants mentoring relationship in the FINDINGS OF THEIR FORMAL REPORT ON THE INCIDENT!!!
The stated referral source for Seasock's report was John Miller fro CYS. It's right on the report. You can reference the police report for more information. I don't know who this CW guy is, but he's spinning this stuff pretty hard. There is plenty of evidence that CYS/DPW set up that interview in direct defiance of the investigators. It's really not even up for debate so I'm not sure what this guy is trying to argue.
The stated referral source for Seasock's report was John Miller fro CYS. It's right on the report. You can reference the police report for more information. I don't know who this CW guy is, but he's spinning this stuff pretty hard. There is plenty of evidence that CYS/DPW set up that interview in direct defiance of the investigators. It's really not even up for debate so I'm not sure what this guy is trying to argue.

trust me, NO ONE knows what CDW is trying to argue. he'd say the sun is cold and it is Paterno's fault, and waste 200 posts trying to back his idiotic position. and when you back him into a logical corner, he just switches gears and makes up some other irrelevant nonsense.

it is as comical as it is pathetic.
The stated referral source for Seasock's report was John Miller fro CYS. It's right on the report. You can reference the police report for more information. I don't know who this CW guy is, but he's spinning this stuff pretty hard. There is plenty of evidence that CYS/DPW set up that interview in direct defiance of the investigators. It's really not even up for debate so I'm not sure what this guy is trying to argue.
One last time. On May 5th at 1:55 P.M. the game plan is that Shreffler and Lauro will meet with V6 on May 7th in the a.m. On May 7th, Arnold calls and says that she wants the meeting with the psychologist and V6 put off (note: she's an ADA, not an investigator, and no investigators objected to Seasock, at least according to Shreffler's notes). May 7th is the first ever reference to a psychologist.

What happened in the interim? Where did this psychologist come from? Whose idea was to hire him? Why did everything happen so fast? Why are there no notes in Shreffler's reports regarding Seasock prior to the 7th?

On May 8th, Miller says he's not involved in the investigation other than to arrange the meeting (that's right there in the report, as you would say). The psychologist obviously had already been hired. If you have something showing that Miller hired Seasock, I'd more than happy to see it.

And for extra credit, why was B.K., the other kid in the shower, never interviewed by the police? Seems like he was the most important witness.

And no, the Centre County CYS and the DPW aren't the same organization. It's like comparing the county DA and the OAG. They do the same kind of stuff but they're different organizations.
One last time. On May 5th at 1:55 P.M. the game plan is that Shreffler and Lauro will meet with V6 on May 7th in the a.m. On May 7th, Arnold calls and says that she wants the meeting with the psychologist and V6 put off (note: she's an ADA, not an investigator, and no investigators objected to Seasock, at least according to Shreffler's notes). May 7th is the first ever reference to a psychologist.

What happened in the interim? Where did this psychologist come from? Whose idea was to hire him? Why did everything happen so fast? Why are there no notes in Shreffler's reports regarding Seasock prior to the 7th?

On May 8th, Miller says he's not involved in the investigation other than to arrange the meeting (that's right there in the report, as you would say). The psychologist obviously had already been hired. If you have something showing that Miller hired Seasock, I'd more than happy to see it.

And for extra credit, why was B.K., the other kid in the shower, never interviewed by the police? Seems like he was the most important witness.

And no, the Centre County CYS and the DPW aren't the same organization. It's like comparing the county DA and the OAG. They do the same kind of stuff but they're different organizations.

Not going to engage a raging dip$hit like you any longer -- you're full of $hit, it is not, " It's like comparing the county DA and the OAG. They do the same kind of stuff but they're different organizations." Here is a link, that unquestionably proves you wrong as it is from the official website of the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services which is what they now call the old "DPW" -- here is a direct excerpt from the top of the PA Department of Human Services homepage on "CYS" (which is now known as Children, Youth and Families):

Office of Children, Youth and Families

Pennsylvania's child welfare system is county-administered and state-supervised. Child welfare and juvenile justice services are organized, managed, and delivered by County Children and Youth agencies and county Juvenile probation offices.

Here's the links Slappy....have fun educating your silly, stupid self:
One last time. On May 5th at 1:55 P.M. the game plan is that Shreffler and Lauro will meet with V6 on May 7th in the a.m. On May 7th, Arnold calls and says that she wants the meeting with the psychologist and V6 put off (note: she's an ADA, not an investigator, and no investigators objected to Seasock, at least according to Shreffler's notes). May 7th is the first ever reference to a psychologist.

What happened in the interim? Where did this psychologist come from? Whose idea was to hire him? Why did everything happen so fast? Why are there no notes in Shreffler's reports regarding Seasock prior to the 7th?

On May 8th, Miller says he's not involved in the investigation other than to arrange the meeting (that's right there in the report, as you would say). The psychologist obviously had already been hired. If you have something showing that Miller hired Seasock, I'd more than happy to see it.

And for extra credit, why was B.K., the other kid in the shower, never interviewed by the police? Seems like he was the most important witness.

And no, the Centre County CYS and the DPW aren't the same organization. It's like comparing the county DA and the OAG. They do the same kind of stuff but they're different organizations.

CDW- just gotta say you are wrong and BCC is right on this.
It's not up for interpretation - he's right!
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Found this interesting, from an earlier entry on Ray's blog:

Confirmed "Missing" Documents
The Freeh Report contained a hand-full of references to documents and notes that should have been part of the Schultz file or the e-mail records, but were not made public or included in the Appendices of his report.

Control #00649354, Refs. 149 and 150: This document provides information regarding Harmon's decision not to classify the incident as a crime or make a crime log entry.

Schultz Confidential File Note (5-1-12), Ref. 159: Harmon provided Schultz with information about his concerns that DPW had conflicts of interest with The Second Mile.

May 8, 1998 e-mail, Harmon to Schultz (page 49 of Freeh Report): Lauro "indicated that it was his intent to have a psychologist who specializes in child abuse interview the children. This is expected to occur in the next week and a half. I don't anticipate anything to be done until that happens."

The latter is an interesting piece of information because it is in conflict with the 1998 police report in several ways. First, the e-mail contradicts the police report that stated Lauro's supervisor (Richard Houston) ordered the investigation. Next, the "psychologist," John Seasock, was not an expert in child abuse and worked with primarily adult offenders. And, finally, Seasock only interviewed one of the children.

On May 13, 1998, 4:48PM, Harmon e-mailed Schultz (Freeh Report Exhibit 2B) to inform him that the interview with the child was complete. There was no mention of the interview with the second child. Harmon also stated in the e-mail that "they (DPW) want to resolve this quickly."
Found this interesting, from an earlier entry on Ray's blog:

Confirmed "Missing" Documents
The Freeh Report contained a hand-full of references to documents and notes that should have been part of the Schultz file or the e-mail records, but were not made public or included in the Appendices of his report.

Control #00649354, Refs. 149 and 150: This document provides information regarding Harmon's decision not to classify the incident as a crime or make a crime log entry.

Schultz Confidential File Note (5-1-12), Ref. 159: Harmon provided Schultz with information about his concerns that DPW had conflicts of interest with The Second Mile.

May 8, 1998 e-mail, Harmon to Schultz (page 49 of Freeh Report): Lauro "indicated that it was his intent to have a psychologist who specializes in child abuse interview the children. This is expected to occur in the next week and a half. I don't anticipate anything to be done until that happens."

The latter is an interesting piece of information because it is in conflict with the 1998 police report in several ways. First, the e-mail contradicts the police report that stated Lauro's supervisor (Richard Houston) ordered the investigation. Next, the "psychologist," John Seasock, was not an expert in child abuse and worked with primarily adult offenders. And, finally, Seasock only interviewed one of the children.

On May 13, 1998, 4:48PM, Harmon e-mailed Schultz (Freeh Report Exhibit 2B) to inform him that the interview with the child was complete. There was no mention of the interview with the second child. Harmon also stated in the e-mail that "they (DPW) want to resolve this quickly."

It's also worth pointing out that Allycia Chambers who reported the incident via DPW Child Abuse Hotline is a credentialed clinical psychologist specializing in Child and Family Counseling, while Seasock was not a credentialed "psychologist" of any kind let alone one specializing in Children and Family Counseling. Why would Lauro look to bring someone in to speak with the kids before he even spoke with the Mandated Reporter who reported the incident who was the Child's personal psychologist and had spoken with the child several times since the incident??? Didn't even speak with the Mandated Reporter by CPS Law relative to the Child before he proceeded to hear what they had to say or why they made the report??? Crazy.
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One last time. On May 5th at 1:55 P.M. the game plan is that Shreffler and Lauro will meet with V6 on May 7th in the a.m. On May 7th, Arnold calls and says that she wants the meeting with the psychologist and V6 put off (note: she's an ADA, not an investigator, and no investigators objected to Seasock, at least according to Shreffler's notes). May 7th is the first ever reference to a psychologist.

What happened in the interim? Where did this psychologist come from? Whose idea was to hire him? Why did everything happen so fast? Why are there no notes in Shreffler's reports regarding Seasock prior to the 7th?

On May 8th, Miller says he's not involved in the investigation other than to arrange the meeting (that's right there in the report, as you would say). The psychologist obviously had already been hired. If you have something showing that Miller hired Seasock, I'd more than happy to see it.

And for extra credit, why was B.K., the other kid in the shower, never interviewed by the police? Seems like he was the most important witness.

And no, the Centre County CYS and the DPW aren't the same organization. It's like comparing the county DA and the OAG. They do the same kind of stuff but they're different organizations.

Boy are you spinning things....

Here are the facts:

5/7: Arnold asks Schreffler to hold off on the eval
5/8: Schrefeler contacts John Miller to relay the message
5/8 @ 11:50am: Schreffler (police), Miller (CC CYS), and Lauro (DPW) all agree to delay the eval
5/8 @ 11:55am: Lauro called back and reported that he was told be his supervisor (Houston??) to go ahead with the eval.

Everyone was aware that Arnold and Schreffler were asking them to hold off and the appointment was indeed CANCELED.... that is, until 5 minutes later when Lauro's supervisor (DPW) overrode that request and told them to do it.

From your own evidence, we can clearly see that DPW was made aware they should not do the eval, the eval was canceled, and then a higher up at DPW ignored that request and told them to do it any way. DPW ordered the report and John Miller (CYS) is the referral source on record. I have no idea what the heck you are trying to spin. Whoever is paying you is overpaying.

BTW, Houston was accused of being corrupt multiple times around the 2002 time frame. How does it feel to help cover for people that put their political favors ahead of protecting PA's children... which was their damn job? You make me sick. seriously.
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trust me, NO ONE knows what CDW is trying to argue. he'd say the sun is cold and it is Paterno's fault, and waste 200 posts trying to back his idiotic position. and when you back him into a logical corner, he just switches gears and makes up some other irrelevant nonsense.

it is as comical as it is pathetic.

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What else do we know about Lauro's supervisor, Richard Houston?

ChiTownLion..... Have you, Ray, or anyone sought out Robert Kearns, Jr. yet to see what he has to say about Houston, county judges, county agencies, and professionals in the "psychiatric field"? He'd be worth talking to...
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