Every 4X NCAA Wrestling Champion

No, dummy. He wrestled 10 matches before the car crash.
If he isn't in jail and has found a home (someone is going to welcome him with open arms) the NCAA will grant him a special consideration medical redshirt. If requested.

We all make fun of Rutgers. Of course Goodale would take him even if the Oklahoma DOC stipulated he had to be back in his cell by 0615 Monday morning for standing count. However, if the kid avoids an OK DOC wardrobe he is going to Iowa.
No, dummy. He wrestled 10 matches before the car crash.
I read this and thought "damn you're being harsh".
Is the Tiger king in prison in Oklahoma?

Well I will say this, anyone who bunks with Mr. Fast twitch will be begging for solitary by the end of the first week.

The list of joke possibilities here are endless