ESPN NOW: Pirates - Cardinals from Williamsport!


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
Back when I was 5-6 years old I lived with my grandparents in Williamsport while my Dad served in the Air Force in Iceland then Germany.

My grandfather and I would often walk the 5-6 blocks up to the ballpark after dinner......hard to believe it was 60 years ago!
Word around town today is that Phils/Mets is a done deal for next year. After that, they'll see.

I claim the extra Mets roster spot for Tim Tebow right now.
By far the best Pirates game I've seen on TV this year. Such a good broadcast. The sound of the bat, the showing of the interactions of the players and little league players, just all around awesome.

BTW, that was one hell of a catch from the center fielder from PA. Unreal
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Back when I was 5-6 years old I lived with my grandparents in Williamsport while my Dad served in the Air Force in Iceland then Germany.

My grandfather and I would often walk the 5-6 blocks up to the ballpark after dinner......hard to believe it was 60 years ago!
made the trip from lock haven 8-10 times a summer with our aunt. a few more than 60 years ago :rolleyes:.
Interesting play last night.....Dexter of St. Louis was called out last night stretching a single into a double.....except he appeared to be safe. The announcers thought safe too and were stunned St. Louis didn't appeal the call as they would have had 2nd and 3rd instead of ending the inning. And the technology for replay was there.

Guessing St.Louis MAYBE didn't want to show up an umpire in front of all the kids? That certainly could have cost them the game in a very close pennant race.


Thought it was a GREAT GREAT day for MLB, right down to the team walk-by with 26x26 player handshakes!
Interesting play last night.....Dexter of St. Louis was called out last night stretching a single into a double.....except he appeared to be safe. The announcers thought safe too and were stunned St. Louis didn't appeal the call as they would have had 2nd and 3rd instead of ending the inning. And the technology for replay was there.

Guessing St.Louis MAYBE didn't want to show up an umpire in front of all the kids? That certainly could have cost them the game in a very close pennant race.


Thought it was a GREAT GREAT day for MLB, right down to the team walk-by with 26x26 player handshakes!

I doubt that was the case. Those Little League managers are appealing all the time.
I made the mistake of watching sportscenter after the game. The guy who thinks he's Drew Carey was mocking the town that his employer and MLB just invested millions in saying they probably didn't have replay "down on the farm."

He went on to interview a Pirate player and frankly he acted like a 12 year old. At one point he actually asked the player if he wanted to hear about HIS LL experience.

When espn switches over from production to these loser personalities is when they lose me.
I made the mistake of watching sportscenter after the game. The guy who thinks he's Drew Carey was mocking the town that his employer and MLB just invested millions in saying they probably didn't have replay "down on the farm."

He went on to interview a Pirate player and frankly he acted like a 12 year old. At one point he actually asked the player if he wanted to hear about HIS LL experience.

When espn switches over from production to these loser personalities is when they lose me.

Perfectly said. Had to hold my nose to watch last night but wouldn't have missed it. Hope it got great ratings. And the Phillies thing for next year has been a done deal for a few months....

Non-live sports on espn is unwatchable.
I made the mistake of watching sportscenter after the game. The guy who thinks he's Drew Carey was mocking the town that his employer and MLB just invested millions in saying they probably didn't have replay "down on the farm."

He went on to interview a Pirate player and frankly he acted like a 12 year old. At one point he actually asked the player if he wanted to hear about HIS LL experience.

When espn switches over from production to these loser personalities is when they lose me.

I couldn't agree more. The way ESPN covered during the day was good, but then they have that clown mocking the minor league town and asking Josh Bell what the post game spread would be...chicken fingers and fries? It was a feel good day for baseball and he mocked it.

That's the issue with's more about some no talent ass clown making a name for himself than covering a good story.
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