END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT: Final BWI/McAndrew Board Jukebox

She had woken up that morning,
She wanted purple drank what did it mean
But the Mel Trucker was in cruise control
And Mel Gribson was whack a doodle chasin you aroun the North Park scene

Althea said how much did hot pants runnin Gump put on Klempsun,
It was the return of she didnt didnt do teasers either, or hawaian pizza flu without Brandon

Don’t know if already posted, but here goes. From the album that was going to be named “War Pigs” but was changed before it was released.

"And if the flyin' Al Roker monster sprinkles his 3 AM challenge dust on U too,
then just sprinkle it off and wut R ya gonna do on the moon"
