Chris Marrone Leaving DHS. Spoke Eloquently at Paterno Tribute

Yeah, not only busy getting his FIL indicted, but also pretending to be a Republican while wooing the Obama's and Clinton's to get him a cushy DHS government job. Apparently, he wasn't particularly good at that "appointed" position either.

If that wasn't enough, he personally attempted to steer the PS4RS Nomination Committee in its' early years into getting his buddy Rudy "Pediped" Glocker onto the "Chosen 3" slate of PS4RS endorsed PSU BOT alumni-elected / endorsed representatives. Thankfully, that ruse wasn't successful, either.

He might have played football for PSU at one point, but (to me) the guy reeks of sleaze. In fact, the linked article describes him as "loud, ambitious and balsy". Their words, not mine.

I hope nothing but the best for him and his family in his future endeavors.

Wow. That's a pantload of misinformation.