Buccos Fans (and Phils) - - Charlie Morton


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2010
The Bucco crowd on the board may remember my manifesto last year about how the Bucs should just have Charlie pitch from the windup all the time (even with men on base)

His numbers when working from the WIND UP - IIRC - where BETTER than Gerrit Coles....and his numbers when working from the stretch where - IIRC - the WORST among NL starters
Just a SHOCKING differential. Since he doesn't hold runners on anyway (base stealers were some crazy number against him - like 24 for 25 or something like that) - - the Buccos should have (IMO) just had him stay in the wind up....and at least get the batters out.

Well.....Charlie's first start with his new club - the Phils:

Retires the first seven batters of the game (from the wind up, of course)

Once the first man reaches base, and he works from the stretch:
1 1/3 innings (one of the outs was a sacrifice bunt, so really 1 inning):
Home Run/Double/Three Base Hits/Two Walks Six Earned Runs

With no one on base, working from the wind up:
Charlie recorded EIGHT OUTS, and allowed only one hit (an infield single)

Why-O-Why in this age of moneyball Sabermetrics can't anyone see this and say - "Hey Charlie, keep winding up"

Amazing.....but thank goodness it is now the Phils problem, and not the Buccos.
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The Bucco crowd on the board may remember my manifesto last year about how the Bucs should just have Charlie pitch from the windup all the time (even with men on base)

His numbers when working from the stretch - IIRC - where BETTER than Gerrit Coles....and his numbers when working from the stretch where - IIRC - the WORST among NL starters
Just a SHOCKING differential. Since he doesn't hold runners on anyway (base stealers were some crazy number against him - like 24 for 25 or something like that) - - the Buccos should have (IMO) just had him stay in the wind up....and at least get the batters out.

Well.....Charlie's first start with his new club - the Phils:

Retires the first seven batters of the game (from the wind up, of course)

Once the first man reaches base, and he works from the stretch:
1 1/3 innings (one of the outs was a sacrifice bunt, so really 1 inning):
Home Run/Double/Three Base Hits/Two Walks Six Earned Runs

With no one on base, working from the wind up:
Charlie recorded EIGHT OUTS, and allowed only one hit (an infield single)

Why-O-Why in this age of moneyball Sabermetrics can't anyone see this and say - "Hey Charlie, keep winding up"

Amazing.....but thank goodness it is now the Phils problem, and not the Buccos.

Yep, great guy. But Bucs replaced him with a guy that hasn't pitched in 4 years and I'm confident they upgraded......
Well Barry, one thing you can't know is how much worse would teams abuse him on the bases if he didn't pitch from the stretch. People may have had success running against him from the stretch, but by pitching from the stretch he still probably deterred running by some. If he goes from the wind up, how many more will take a base and then what would his ERA and other metrics look like in that scenario. That is a question we don't have an answer for. I guess you could always try it and see what happens, but doesn't appear they are willing to do it.