Alumni Council elections start today, here are 5 reasons to Vote7

Come on folks ... if you have not yet voted, please do so.

if you have not yet received a ballot, please follow the instructions for obtaining one.

lastly, info about the election can found in this thread, and in the pinned post at the top of the board.
Just got my ballot yesterday. I didn't have to call, they just sent it this late. They certainly didn't miss sending me all their other offers, but somehow missed the ballot.
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Penn State Alumni Association elections for Alumni Council end this Tuesday, May 31st. There are three full days left to vote, and here's Reason #3 to Vote7: We are standing up for Penn State.

The Penn State community comes under fire from all sides every day. We think the Alumni Association should be the first and foremost advocates for Penn State, and we are working hard to change perceptions and let the truth be told.

Two days left to vote in the Alumni Council elections. Are you seeing members of your Penn State family this weekend? Please make sure they vote.

Reason #2 to Vote7: Alumni are more than an ATM machine.

Members are looking for more from their Alumni Association than credit card deals and cruises. And if they're asking for donations we expect our voices to be heard. We want the Grand Experiment honored and our university defended.
