Slacker Slide: '50 "facts" you might not know about guns in the US'. Let us count the lies... (link)


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001

I preface my comments by saying people in other countries don't have the personal liberties we have. If gun violence is so bad then why do immigrants flock here. That's a rhetorical question. They come here to escape poverty and tyranny. Neither of which we have but progressives are working on it. That said, here are some salient points...

Slide 4- underscore 'approximately' with respect to sales because it's illegal for the government to track gun sales. Don't like it? Do a Constitutional Amendment. Until then try to come and take it.

Slide 5- Wrong! The Second Amendment's sole purpose is not to permit US states to create militias (as if the states need federal permission, anyway). Back then we were a society of subsistence hunters. What did you expect hunters to use, bows and arrows. And it's not like people don't hunt anymore. 38.8M hunting license issued in 2020. “Contextual reading is quite enlightening.” This is your typical coastal elitist, narcissistic viewpoint on full display.

Slide 7- RE: most people want stricter gun controls. That's an open-ended answer to and open-ended question. Most people want more free stuff, too, until you show them how much their taxes will increase. Regarding mechanisms, there's already a ban on straw purchases as well as a mandatory background check with "red flag." The problem is most mass shootings happen because the FBI fails to execute. So we don't need more laws. Again and for the millionth time, there's no such thing as an "assault weapon" (aka a weapon-of-war) in civilian hands. How's the government going to enforce safe storage requirements? Come into your home unannounced for a spot check. Serious gun owners already keep their weapons secured. Only criminals walk around with their @sses hanging out. Here's an idea. Rather than do away with guns let's do away with criminals. What a novel concept! Yeah, let's treat the disease rather than the symptom. Moreover, I would argue modern politics is the bane of man's existence.

Slide 10- there's no such thing as a "background check loophole." That's an Everytown USA talking point. The issue at hand is this: should we allow non-dealer sales of firearms without a background check. Unthankfully, 21 states the DC don't allow you to sell your firearm to another person. What does Texas do. Well, it requires you to document an intrastate transfer and ask the buyer some basic questions such as, is he a felon. But it doesn't require you to verify it. Texas disallows interstate person-to-person transfers of firearms. Those must go through a dealer. Imagine living in a state where you can't sell your used car without going through a dealer. Sound farfetched? That's next. This is all about the state exerting control for control leads to power and power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. It's why the Bill of Rights exists.

Slide 13- 34 states have a Stand Your Ground law with a duty to retreat. Here's what I'd do and I'm well within my rights regardless of state. Say someone attacks me. I hold them at gun point while dialing 911. Should they flee I let them go. Should they keep coming at me I stop them with a limb shot. Keep coming? Then a shot to the torso. Any GJ will no-bill me, even in criminal-tolerate states like New Jersey, California or Massachusetts. For real. It's just common sense. Should you not like it then Constitutional Amendment.

Slide 14- Nobody knows how many Americans own guns or how many they own because it would entail a federal registry and that's unconstitutional. Don't like it. Constitutional Amendment. Notice how we keep circling back to that requirement. Do "gun control" the right way.

Slide 16- Yet despite all the NRA gun safety training and 125,000 certified instructors there's still gun violence. Maybe we need to expand the NRA even more.

Slide 17- Mental illness. Bring back the insane asylums. Can't afford to house them? Then we know what needs to be done. Again, treat the disease not the symptom. Society will be better off in the long run.

Slide 19- Concealed and open carry. Its proliferation is in direct correlation to an increase in crime. Treat the symptom not the disease. Defund the police movement doesn;t help, either.

Slide 20- There's always UPS and Fedex.

Slide 21- 'America has more guns than people'. And we also have the most individual liberties. It's a tradeoff. If gun violence was so bad then why do immigrants flock here in droves.

Slide 22- 'States with more guns have higher firearm fatalities'. States with more traffic congestion have higher traffic fatalities.

Slide 23- '2,000 US mass shootings since Sandy Hook'. The source excludes certain shootings such as gang-related and domestic events. Oh how convenient. They're cherry-picking the data.

Slide 27- Five states exempt from federal gun laws. I don't have a problem with it. After all, we are supposed to be a loose confederation of states coming together only when threated from the outside. At least we were up until the Civil War. Then the power aphrodisiac took hold of Washington, DC.

Slide 33- 'Domestic violence lead cause of adolescent shootings'. But in Slide 23 you claim domestic gun violence does not matter.

Slide 38- 'National Firearms Act of 1934 was passed in response to gang violence'. It also banned the public from buying automatic weapons, aka "assault weapons." So there's that.

Slide 39- 'There are more than 2,000 US gun shows a year'. So what. It's a trade show. It's commerce. And any dealer must perform background checks.

Slide 40- the vast majority of guns are unregistered after point-of-sale. So these figures are meaningless.

Slide 44- '7 states and DC have assault weapons bans'. The NFA of 1934 already bans automatic weapons so these laws are redundant. And Washington state has a law against hunting bigfoot. Does that mean it exists. Repeat after me (whispering like Joe Biden does): there are no assault weapons, aka weapons-of-war, in civilian hands. With very few exceptions such as you inherited a Thompson submachine gun from your great grandfather who bought it during Prohibition. Translation: rare.

Slide 47- 'There are loopholes in background checks'. Negative! There's no such thing as a "private gun vendor." The liability alone dissuades anyone from selling a gun for profit without a license. Period. You gun control proponents just make $hit up on the fly to support your narrative.

Slide 50- I think I'll buy a house in Kennesaw, Georgia.

Thank you. And let's keep it real.
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