Locked On suggested possible Levi red shirt?


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2022
I just watched Locked on with Seyko and Jeff Byers, and a possible red shirt for Levi was brought up. This was also mentioned by Mineo(grain of salt). Byers maintained it was "possible" but didn't attach a likelihood to it, only that he couldn't see any way Levi ever wrestles 157 again due to a very difficult cut.

The way I read this, is that it's possible that Kasak could go 157 next year in the event that Mitchell wants to stay at 65. This also could indicate that if Mitchell does go down, perhaps Alex goes 165, with Carter returning to 174. Byers did mention that he feels if Carter comes back he will stay at 174.

Thoughts on this?
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I just watched Locked on with Seyko and Jeff Byers, and a possible red shirt for Levi was brought up. This was also mentioned by Mineo(grain of salt). Byers maintained it was "possible" but didn't attach a likelihood to it, only that he couldn't see any way Levi ever wrestles 157 again due to a very difficult cut.

The way I read this, is that it's possible that Kasak could go 157 next year in the event that Mitchell wants to stay at 65. This also could indicate that if Mitchell does go down, perhaps Alex goes 165, with Carter returning to 174. Byers did mention that he feels if Carter comes back he will stay at 174.

Thoughts on this?
At some schools the off season re-alignment of the team is like re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. At PSU it’s like the guys in the Tower of London rearranging the Crown Jewels. We have First World problems of the first order. All we know for sure is that there is gonna be a lot of ass kickin in REC Hall in 24-25. Is the schedule out yet?? 😜
At some schools the off season re-alignment of the team is like re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. At PSU it’s like the guys in the Tower of London rearranging the Crown Jewels. We have First World problems of the first order. All we know for sure is that there is gonna be a lot of ass kickin in REC Hall in 24-25. Is the schedule out yet?? 😜
Sometimes I think Cael has a magic dart board in which he simply throws a bunch of darts and out comes another national championship. In reality we all know that the lineup is strictly determined by the dodgeball results.
Carter is not staying at 174… like Haines the cut is not how he wants to spend his extra year. He could easily destroy the 97 field even if he was underweight. Cael brought it up. He know roster management.
I'm prone to agree but mentioned Jeff's thoughts as a secondary thought mechanism.
If Carter wants to wrestle on the Olympic team in 2028 he needs to get bigger since 86kg is his only real option.
Carter is not staying at 174… like Haines the cut is not how he wants to spend his extra year. He could easily destroy the 97 field even if he was underweight. Cael brought it up. He know roster management.
yes. at the scholarship dinner, he came back to the table with a pile of food on the plate. was asked how long it would take to lose that. said it didn't matter, i'm going up :).
I just watched Locked on with Seyko and Jeff Byers, and a possible red shirt for Levi was brought up. This was also mentioned by Mineo(grain of salt). Byers maintained it was "possible" but didn't attach a likelihood to it, only that he couldn't see any way Levi ever wrestles 157 again due to a very difficult cut.

The way I read this, is that it's possible that Kasak could go 157 next year in the event that Mitchell wants to stay at 65. This also could indicate that if Mitchell does go down, perhaps Alex goes 165, with Carter returning to 174. Byers did mention that he feels if Carter comes back he will stay at 174.

Thoughts on this?
Talking to Tyler at the PSWC banquet this year his body size looks like 141 or 149 would be his optimal weight. Not sure about 157. Tyler is young and growing, so who knows?
Carter is not staying at 174… like Haines the cut is not how he wants to spend his extra year. He could easily destroy the 97 field even if he was underweight. Cael brought it up. He know roster management.
Why is it when folks talk about Carter bumping, its always to 197, is it just because 197 is more in line with 86k?
I think because Cael mentioned it didn’t he?
I believe Carter alluded to Cael mentioning he could even wrestle 197 and Carter's dad thinking that was a great idea because they could just start lifting and packing on some serious good weight.
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Glass half empty view.

I don't know too much re: Carter's real plans, but he seems open to going anywhere and Cael did mention 197 to him. It seems 197 is a perfect fit from a lineup POV, granted with his frame even packing on the muscle he'll probably be undersized and still kick ass. 174 and 184 simply create more lineup problems.

Likewise Levi shirting and or Kasak/SVN going up to 157 seemingly just creates more future lineup problems than we already have.

I am really starting to question how/where/when both Facundo and Sealy in 2026 and beyond, and had zero concerns back when we landed them.
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Why do all of these guys have to fit? Iron sharpens iron. The elite know it. Get in to the best room in the world and spend two years honing your craft. If you don’t crack the lineup you move on. PSU will field the optimal team no matter what. That’s Caels vision. He’s after the best at every weight giving them the chance at winning every weight. Sit back and enjoy. The sport has never seen what we are watching right now. No one will come close to what has been created.
I am really starting to question how/where/when both Facundo and Sealy in 2026 and beyond, and had zero concerns back when we landed them.
Well that’s because Sealey committed before PSU landed Messenbrink. Sealey can take a shot at Kasak but also likely a dead end.

I agree that redshirting Levi doesn’t seem to make sense. Let him go 174. And Facundo might find his athleticism works for him better at 184. He’d have a decent shot to beat Barr. Though he might argue that he can already beat Levi! Just gotta get these two eating.