CDT: Corman attorney details fight against NCAA


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Plano, TX

"We saw Judge (Anne) Covey's rulings as favorable for us and continued to get more favorable. Our assumption always was she was getting tired of it, that the NCAA was playing games and not taking their obligation seriously."

Read more here:
I didn't see anything particularly new in the article. Not a slam, because I think Lori is doing well reporting things. But I am looking forward to another wave of real revelation. Bring on more discovery and deposition.
Couple of quick observations....

1) As we suspected Covey was the real hero for PSU. All Corman cared about was the political backdrop of keeping the money in Pa. He will take credit for the rest though, I am sure.

2) If I understand it correctly, to effect the settlement PSU agreed to pay the legal fees for the side it had been contesting (Corman, et al). The NCAA didn't pay it, PSU did. That pisses me off beyond belief!!!
Re: Couple of quick observations....

2) If I understand it correctly, to effect the
settlement PSU agreed to pay the legal fees for the side it had been
contesting (Corman, et al). The NCAA didn't pay it, PSU did. That
pisses me off beyond belief!!!

That's right. Unreal. ????
well look at it this way

Originally posted by Mixolydian:
1) As we suspected Covey was the real hero for PSU. All Corman cared about was the political backdrop of keeping the money in Pa. He will take credit for the rest though, I am sure.

2) If I understand it correctly, to effect the settlement PSU agreed to pay the legal fees for the side it had been contesting (Corman, et al). The NCAA didn't pay it, PSU did. That pisses me off beyond belief!!!
#2 should piss you off, but it was as close to a mea culpa as we're going to bet from the BoT

despite the bootlicking from the likes of CR66, their crisis management has been pitiful. Agreeing to pay the legal fees for the state over a lawsuit they are mostly responsible for instigating is, at least, some type of ownership of their role in this mess.

but no one should overlook the fact that the public only saw the LEAST incriminating emails from the Corman discovery. I would bet the farm that there is some truly heinous stuff that has yet to be made public
Re: well look at it this way

I find it curious that Penn State agreed to pay the legal fees... and Penn State insisted on a provision in its settlements with the victims that they agree not to pursue the Second Mile. What are they paying so dearly for to keep covered up?

I suspect that the NCAA has additional information that would put the BOT in a real negative light (I know, how in the world could they possibly look any worse, right?) and the only way to sweep it under the rug is to agree to pay, keep certain information from ever seeing the light of day, and I'm certain there were some pretty interesting discussions going on between Penn State officials and the NCAA behind closed doors.

The real funny thing here is that I am not a conspiracy theorist- but these facts just don't completely add up. The NCAA should have had to pay at least some of the legal fees- why didn't they? Interesting question- I'd love to hear the answer.
Re: Couple of quick observations....

To all posters,

"As we suspected Covey was the real hero for PSU." In November election we need to write in Anne B Covey for PA Supreme Court.
She'll be on the ballot. Will not require a write-in vote. The bar

recommendation is just that - a recommendation. She has the GOP endorsement and will be on the spring primary ballot and almost certainly the general election ballot.

GOP endorses 3 for Supreme Court
Re: She'll be on the ballot. Will not require a write-in vote. The bar

Originally posted by mn78psu83:
recommendation is just that - a recommendation. She has the GOP endorsement and will be on the spring primary ballot and almost certainly the general election ballot.

GOP endorses 3 for Supreme Court
ever notice how everyone associated with this scandal who is accountable to the voting public has absolutely passed/failed by the graces of Penn State community??

Support Covey!!
Re: well look at it this way

It is good not to fall for every crackpot conspiracy theory, and I think that is what you mean.

I will just point out that the whole case against CSS, the criticism of JVP, and the trolling of our fans is all based on a conspiracy theory.

Conspiracies exist, and that is why we have laws against them.

As for me, I figure that there are still conspiracies to be uncovered (and maybe prosecuted) in this affair.
Re: She'll be on the ballot. Will not require a write-in vote. The bar

ever notice how everyone associated with this scandal who is accountable
to the voting public has absolutely passed/failed by the graces of Penn
State community??

It's true and my hope is that she wins easily. I think she will. Standing up to the NCAA and the bar should score a lot of points in and of itself. Throw in the forthright frankness and integrity she demonstrated in handling the pretrial motions and we've got a winner.

This post was edited on 3/8 6:06 PM by mn78psu83
Never before has a "hero" spent so much time trying to......

PR his amazing "victory"

How anyone ever saw this ass-clown as anything but a self serving scumbag is beyond me.

Of all the traitorous scumbags in this parade, Jake has a seat in the front car.

Not so much for what he did (which was bad enough) but for the way he tried to sell his treachery as somehow being heroic.
Kinda' like Benedict Arnold trying to portray himself as Patrick Henry.

"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends."
Which makes it all the more incredulous that he settled for what he did

and when he did.
I have decided that if/when Corman runs for statewide office,

I will vote against him, and I will likely work against him.

As time goes by, it becomes more and more obvious to me, at least, that he was told to back off and get out. And he did.

Sorry, Corman. You are just as corrupt as the rest of them.
Tried and tried and tried....

to let the elected trustees know what they were dealing no apparent benefit.

Some of them still treat this guy as an ally......which is quite disconcerting.


This post was edited on 3/8 5:36 PM by bjf1984

This post was edited on 3/8 6:20 PM by bjf1984
Re: Tired and tried and tried....

I believe we know what we're up against.

My understanding is that legal fees to be reimbursed exceed $1.3 million. When told that we had agreed to make this payment to the state, we asked why the NCAA wasn't making the payment. We were told, "because they won't." We then asked why we were settling. With almost one month until trial, we could have waited. However, politics got in the way.

I must confess, I let you down. I should have voted against the settlement. I am sorry.

At the next BOT meeting in Hershey on March 20, expect to hear discussion about this during the public session.
AL -

Thank you for having the fortitude to admit that this "settlement" was a mistake. I have not heard such an admission from any other BOT members. The fact that this betrayal was not only accepted....but was accepted without ONE WORD of public discussion, and with smiles and glad-handing all around the BOT meeting room.....made it all the more revolting.

If you recall, and I hope I am not talking too much "out of school", I warned you about Corman back a year or more ago.

This guy was, is, and will be every bit the obstacle for truth that any of the Old Guard BOT scoundrels have been.

That being said....much has been accomplished over the last few years. The book is not yet written, and I hope that the determination to return Penn State from the clutches of these scoundrels will continue without fail.

BTW - I will be signing up for "3 minutes" at the meeting in Hershey. What do you think my chances are?

This post was edited on 3/8 6:20 PM by bjf1984

This post was edited on 3/8 6:22 PM by bjf1984
Re: AL -

Masser moved the motion to vote without discussion. We should have stopped him in his tracks but we did not. You are all entitled to hear our collective thoughts on the settlement.

We plan to have this discussion, after the fact, at the next meeting.

As for Senator Corman, he needs the Penn State community. Without them, his political ascension is limited.
I am afraid that, as of now, Jake has co-opted more than the majority...

with his "409" nonsense.

Certainly, it was the return of something that was wrongfully taken from those who earned it. But, judging by the reaction, you would think that there were thousands in the region who thought they were the ones who earned it on the field.

It is sad how easily "people" (plural) can be co-opted by a few spoonfuls of pabulum.....even people who - as individuals - appear to be reasonably intelligent and insightful.

Enough about that...........

I look forward to your discussions on the 20th. Even if it is to late to get things never hurts to recognize how/why things went wrong - if for no other reason than to help us avoid repeating the same mistakes moving forward.
Re: Tired and tried and tried....

Originally posted by lubrano:
I believe we know what we're up against.

My understanding is that legal fees to be reimbursed exceed $1.3 million. When told that we had agreed to make this payment to the state, we asked why the NCAA wasn't making the payment. We were told, "because they won't." We then asked why we were settling. With almost one month until trial, we could have waited. However, politics got in the way.

I must confess, I let you down. I should have voted against the settlement. I am sorry.

At the next BOT meeting in Hershey on March 20, expect to hear discussion about this during the public session.
Will 2nd the earlier thank you for showing some decency and courage in admitting that Shameless Jake "played" the elected Alumni Trustees for fools and your apology for voting in-favor of the settlement. An honest error of omission (e.g., "a mistake") is forgivable especially when you show the courage to admit it. No mistake in life is a waste if we learn from them.... Unfortunately, Jake The Snake (POS, self-interested sellout is probably a better description) falls under the category: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Better yet Anthony, make it "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, ain't happening @$$hole." -- hopefully, this axiom will come into play at Shameless Jake's next election. This corrupt POS, and his corrupt political cronies on the BOT, need to be "paid in full" for their treachery.
This whole thing reminds me of a line I heard in a voice recital by a State High kid this weekend:

With false charms the deceits were arranged.
Re: I am afraid that, as of now, Jake has co-opted more than the majority...

But WHO EXACTLY is telling Corman to take his dagger out of the heart of the NCAA? Who is the puppet master in all of this bullshit? Corbett still? I don't understand who is running this coverup of idiots on the BoT and TSM? He or she must be damn powerful. But who exactly is it and what's the source of all this power? Would love to hear thoughts on this. I share BJF's frustration and admire Lubrano's resolve and effort.
I think it would be a bit misleading to look for one "puppet master"

I expect that there are many tangents to this entire affair.....and many directions we need to explore to get to the entire truth.

Just looking at this one small slice...wrt Corman (and keep in mind, this is one SMALL slice of the entire ordeal):

- We know Jake never has been and never will be "his own man" (he was placed into his Senate seat by influential folks here in the region that wanted to keep the gravy train going, the one that was in place under his Father...who held that seat for quite some time before turning it over to Jake)
- That being said, Jake had plenty of motivation of his own to terminate the lawsuit......including a look into why he and many others moved to dissociate from the 2nd Mile just as the Sandusky investigation was heating up (even though they - of course - "knew nothing" of these issues until several years later when it hit the papers in 2011)
- Go back and read the deposition of Corman and you will get more insights as to some further motivations for Jake to short circuit the Commonwealth Court (I am sure he was crapping razor blades at some of the questions he was facing).
- All Jake ever wanted to gain from this suit was control of the big war chest - which he could then use as a means of procuring political capital. The ability to use the "409" crap to position himself as a hero to the unwashed masses....that was just a gift handed to him by the Commonwealth Court.

So, it should be clear that Jake had PLENTY of motivation to do what he did....if only to serve his own self-interests. In fact, it should have been clear well before the fact that these would have been motivating factors for his efforts to terminate the suit (some folks here laid that all out months before the suit was indeed terminated).

Were there others influencing Jake's actions? I certainly think there are clearly many "influential" folks in the region who were scared to death of where this suit could go. But just who, and for what purpose, remain questions with many possible answers....and probably several of those "answers" are correct.

One thing that appears to be quite clear is that most of those tangents emanate from: The PSU BOT and The 2nd Mile (and the agencies and individuals associated with those entities)
This post was edited on 3/9 2:29 AM by bjf1984
Jake was in it for the pub/politics. Recall that he neither supported nor opposed the original settlement offer in August, but rather let Covey make the call with no opinion. I don't think Jake, nor many others in this saga want to true lid to come off because it would expose either a) their negligence or b) their complicity. Jake was tied quite closely to TSM, and perhaps that could be a problem for his budding career.

Jake never cared if PSU got screwed, just that him and his pals in HBurgh got some play money to splash around in their districts. Makes for good campaign posters.
Re: I think it would be a bit misleading to look for one "puppet master"

The funny thing is that a lot of those uncomfortable questions would have been inadmissible in a court setting. In fact, I doubt Corman would have even been called to testify.
Re: AL -

Originally posted by lubrano:
Masser moved the motion to vote without discussion. We should have stopped him in his tracks but we did not.

We plan to have this discussion, after the fact, at the next meeting.

And exactly what purpose will that serve? Instead of wasting time on personal political grandstanding, why not use the time to move on to discussing issues more pressing to the university such as making education more affordable?

As for Senator Corman, he needs the Penn State community. Without them, his political ascension is limited.
Yes, by all means, let's just get this thing swept under the rug

as soon as possible. After all, the truth is perilously close to being revealed.

And we certainly don't want to let the world know what Karen and Big John wanted covered up, do we?
Re: AL -

Originally posted by Cruising Route 66:

Originally posted by lubrano:
Masser moved the motion to vote without discussion. We should have stopped him in his tracks but we did not.

We plan to have this discussion, after the fact, at the next meeting.

And exactly what purpose will that serve? Instead of wasting time on personal political grandstanding, why not use the time to move on to discussing issues more pressing to the university such as making education more affordable?

As for Senator Corman, he needs the Penn State community. Without them, his political ascension is limited.
Any means at all for you to avoid answering the question, "What did you know and when did you know it". I think you knew no later than when the retirement letter was sent out.


CR and CDW "in conference"
This post was edited on 3/9 10:45 AM by bjf1984
You are mixing up the kettle and the pot, dude.

No surprise, since you never have to use one for yourself.
Re: AL -

Originally posted by Misder2:
Originally posted by Cruising Route 66:

Originally posted by lubrano:
Masser moved the motion to vote without discussion. We should have stopped him in his tracks but we did not.

We plan to have this discussion, after the fact, at the next meeting.

And exactly what purpose will that serve? Instead of wasting time on personal political grandstanding, why not use the time to move on to discussing issues more pressing to the university such as making education more affordable?

As for Senator Corman, he needs the Penn State community. Without them, his political ascension is limited.
Any means at all for you to avoid answering the question, "What did you know and when did you know it". I think you knew no later than when the retirement letter was sent out.

That was the question? And here I thought Anthony was talking about the motion to vote without discussion. Silly me!
Re: AL -

Originally posted by Cruising Route 66:

Originally posted by Misder2:
Originally posted by Cruising Route 66:

Originally posted by lubrano:
Masser moved the motion to vote without discussion. We should have stopped him in his tracks but we did not.

We plan to have this discussion, after the fact, at the next meeting.

And exactly what purpose will that serve? Instead of wasting time on personal political grandstanding, why not use the time to move on to discussing issues more pressing to the university such as making education more affordable?

As for Senator Corman, he needs the Penn State community. Without them, his political ascension is limited.
Any means at all for you to avoid answering the question, "What did you know and when did you know it". I think you knew no later than when the retirement letter was sent out.

That was the question? And here I thought Anthony was talking about the motion to vote without discussion. Silly me!
I'm not Lubrano and I don't care what he's asking.
I so sorry boss....

if'n only I knowed who you as I could pattern myself affer you...then I would be a much better feller.

I knows if you would only give me some learnin' I could be a great n' magnificent person like your ownself......n' then maybe I could come an' visit wit you and the boys in the big house. Doos you got that thar indoors plummin' in there?

PS...if'n it wouldn't be so much trouble, could you send me one o' them autograff pictures of your ownself, so as I could hang it on my wall for insperashun?


This post was edited on 3/9 12:53 PM by bjf1984
Re: AL -

Originally posted by Cruising Route 66:

Originally posted by lubrano:
Masser moved the motion to vote without discussion. We should have stopped him in his tracks but we did not.

We plan to have this discussion, after the fact, at the next meeting.

And exactly what purpose will that serve? Instead of wasting time on personal political grandstanding, why not use the time to move on to discussing issues more pressing to the university such as making education more affordable?

As for Senator Corman, he needs the Penn State community. Without them, his political ascension is limited.
Yes, we know that you would like very much for everyone to forget the tremendous damage done to Penn State by your despicable friends.

Not. Going. To. Happen.
Re: AL -

Originally posted by Cruising Route 66:

Originally posted by lubrano:
Masser moved the motion to vote without discussion. We should have stopped him in his tracks but we did not.

We plan to have this discussion, after the fact, at the next meeting.

And exactly what purpose will that serve? Instead of wasting time on personal political grandstanding, why not use the time to move on to discussing issues more pressing to the university such as making education more affordable?

As for Senator Corman, he needs the Penn State community. Without them, his political ascension is limited.
Re: AL -

Originally posted by Cruising Route 66:

Originally posted by lubrano:
Masser moved the motion to vote without discussion. We should have stopped him in his tracks but we did not.

We plan to have this discussion, after the fact, at the next meeting.

And exactly what purpose will that serve? Instead of wasting time on personal political grandstanding, why not use the time to move on to discussing issues more pressing to the university such as making education more affordable?

As for Senator Corman, he needs the Penn State community. Without them, his political ascension is limited.
So let me get this straight, the lying scumbags spending literally hundreds of millions of dollars of The Pennsylvania State University's money and resources on their corrupt cover-up and PR "spin" campaign on the "false narrative" foil as to who is responsible for Jerry Sandusky's crimes to protect the real self-interested, corrupt, cowardly, scumbag pricks who were really responsible - themselves, the DPW/CYS, the PA OAG, The Second Mile, the executives at The Second Mile, the public administrators at Central Mountain High School, etc.... - made a PSU education "more affordable", not less affordable by burning massive amounts of resources and capital on numerous items that had nothing whatsoever to do with The University's core mission as even the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania pointed out in their rulings flatly stating essentially that most powerful fiduciaries on PSU's Board of Traitors (thieves, charlatans and whores) had wantonly, and potentially criminally, violated their "Fiduciary Obligations" under Pennsylvania Trust Law???

You are some kind of douchebag clown claiming that these @$$holes who have burned such massive amounts of PSU's resources out of unmitigated self-interest and immoral corruption are only interested in making education more affordable?!?!?! Arrogant and stupid - you must be a real blast to be around??? A sniveling, stupid, corrupt, sellout, shameless, servile, douchebag -- yea, you sound like a real blast to hang out with....
Re: Cruising Route 66 is a man ...

without a conscience - truly amoral.
Re: AL -

CR66, I don't think you or ur buddies out of all the people should be talking about or discussing anything related to making education more affordable. Its not .... the area of expertise for you guys, u know!